Speed Up Magento 2 Website To Increase Sales and ROI

People literally go away from your digital store, if your website takes time to load. Visitors just want to see images of the product and if they see that loading images takes more time, they will just click the cancel button and close the tab. You might lose your valuable customers just because you haven't speeded up Magento 2 website. Here you will get knowledge about how you can speed up Magento 2 website step by step with different methods available.

Firstly, you need to check how your website is optimized and what needs to be done to improve it. You can check Magento 2 website speed and other optimization suggestions at Google Page Insights.

Check out the below points which can measurably improve your website performance.

Faster is the Server, Lowest is the Load Time

Hosting providers and hosting plans need to be chosen wisely as it plays a very important role in boosting the Magento 2 website. You need to check into your web store’s hosting requirement and select the best plan that suits your budget.

You need to check into Time To First Byte(TTFB) and generally, 1s TTFB is considered to be good. It indicates how long your server takes to execute the PHP code.

Select Flat Categories and Products

Most of the developers don’t know about this option, but this is a very useful option to speed up Magento 2 website. Many stores have a wide range of products and categories, due to which website takes longer to load the navigation and menu after fetching information from the database.

To enable that option, you need to follow the below steps;
Stores → Configuration →Catalog →Catalog → Storefront → choose Yes to Use Flat Catalog Category field.

Follow the same for Use Flat Catalog Product.

Asset Minification and Merge CSS/JS files

Another benefit option of Magento is that it allows you to merge the CSS and JS files into a single file. This doesn’t make multiple calls to the server and as a result, it helps in loading websites faster.

For this, you need to follow this Admin path: Stores → Configuration → Advanced → Developer and set minification and merge for JavaScript and CSS files on

Hire experienced Magento developer to avoid all code conflicts and make the website live without any errors.

Image Optimization

Yes, image is the first attraction for any eCommerce website, but at the same time, websites should not take so long that users go away when images are still loading. One of the most common reasons for slow websites is higher sizes of images and not according to the device's screen ratio.

Enable Production Mode

Magento 2 gives default functionality for putting website in production mode, which helps to speed up Magento 2 website. Magento's production mode provides the best performance, taking care of things by itself. The below command can be used to enable the production mode.

PHP bin/Magento deploy:mode:set production

The very interesting feature of production mode is that it does not show any error to the user but logs the error in one single file from where you can get an idea about the bug and fix it without concerning the end-user.

Stay Up To Date

Magento's core team works constantly on updating the core framework and improving performance. If you get any updates, then you should not miss it out. You can also hire expert Magento developers who can help you to migrate your Magento store to the latest version.

Wrapping Up

Many times the reasons for the low speed of the website are different, which can be known only after auditing it. If you feel you do not know how to cover up these points and speed up Magento 2 website then hire dedicated Magento developer to make your website load faster.